Eastman Kodak Company
Still one of the world’s most recognized brands, Eastman Kodak was a pioneer in imaging technology. The beginnings of the study of Human Factors and the study of anthropometrics had its deep roots in Rochester NY, and Kodak engineers. I was fortunate to start my career with such a prestigious organization, with so many talented engineers. My responsibilities varied within the organization and grew as the needs changed. Concentrating on End User Experiences for projects ranging from High End Digital Presses, to consumer products like Cameras, Picture Frames, Public Kiosks, and Digital Video Cameras.
Pocket Video Cameras
Establishing the market for Pocket Video Cameras - Kodak led with early adopters based on ease of use. Before the cell phone makers incorporated amazing capture capability into their operating systems, customers required quick access to devices that were video-centric, enabling them to capture that Kodak Moment, now with 60 fps.
Product Details
Digital Cameras
Various responsibilities throughout my tenure, ranging from UI Design with Interaction Flows for new/improved functionality, to End User Testing and validation.
Graphic Communications Group Harmonization
In Early 2000’s Kodak went on a buying spree within the printing industry. Diverse product groups needed guidance on completing one solid consistent look for all newly acquired printing equipment.
Digital Picture Frames
Supporting the product lines of consumer digital picture frames.