Pall Corporation
Providing various industries with filtration, separation, and purification systems and solutions. My role was of a User Advocate/Evangelist, leading design thinking workshops and promoting the advantages/benefits of incorporating a user centered design philosophy within future product road maps, while embedding design input into current Projects, and already EXISTING product lines.
Deep Pleat
Create a new handle design based on updated product specifications. Document contact points within entire product lifecycle, Define user personas & interaction methods. Establish success parameters, create physical concepts prototypes to be user tested against benchmark. Design/create 3D model based on findings to support User Tasks and be incorporated into existing manufacturing and assembly processes.
Trace Moisture Sensor (TMS)
Present Pall as the industry leader with the introduction of Pico1000 an ultra-pure gas analyzer. This initial product launch allowed for a complete interaction model to be designed from the bottom/up or in this “case” from the outward/in.
Animal Platelet Enhancement Therapy (APET)
Create Easy to Use, Read, and Understand instructions for existing veterinary/animal cell therapy procedures. Eliminate procedural errors during the administration of treatment and reduce training and support burden currently experienced by veterinarians.
Package Water Initiative (PWI)
Create HMI for Next Generation Municipal Water Filtration System to allow seasonal associates to operate with minimal training and support. Simplify informational display to allow for efficient operation, control, and knowledge of overall system status.